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- Catalina Sánchez-Roa, Juan Jiménez-Millán, Isabel Abad, Daniel R. Faulkner, Fernando Nieto, Francisco J. García-Tortosa (2016): Fibrous clay mineral authigenesis induced by fluid-rock interaction in the Galera fault zone (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) and its influence on fault gouge frictional properties. Applied Clay Science,
- Catalina Sánchez-Roa, Daniel R. Faulkner, Carolyn Boulton, Juan Jiménez-Millán, Fernando Nieto (2017): How phyllosilicate mineral structure and hydration state affects fault strength and stability in Mg-rich fault systems. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1002/2017GL073055
- Catalina Sánchez-Roa, Olivier Vidal, Juan Jiménez-Millán, Fernando Nieto, Daniel R. Faulkner (2017): Implications of sepiolite dehydration for earthquake nucleation in the Galera Fault Zone: A thermodynamic approach. Applied Geochemistry.
- Daniel R. Faulkner, Catalina Sánchez-Roa, Carolyn Boulton, Sabine den Hartog (2017): Pore-fluid Pressure Development in Compacting Fault Gouge in Theory, Experiments, and Nature. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth. 10.1002/2017JB015130
- Catalina Sánchez-Roa, Juan Jiménez-Millán, Fernando Nieto, Blanca Bauluz and Isabel Abad (2018): Micro- and nano-scale study of deformed phyllosilicate-rich gouges from the Galera Fault Zone (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). American Mineralogist.
- Isabel Abad, Juan Jiménez-Millán, Catalina Sánchez-Roa, Fernando Nieto and Nicolas Velilla (2019): Neo-crystallization of clay minerals in the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Spain): implications for fault mechanics. Clay Minerals.
- C. Sanchez Roa, T. Mitchell, A. Jones, E. Oelkers, A. Striolo, A. Stanton-Yonge, G. Saldi and P. Mahzari, F. Lacoviello (2019): A Collective Effort to Identify and Quantify Geo-Energy Risks. 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201901504
- P. Mahzari, C. Sanchez Roa, A. Stanton-Yonge, G. Saldi, T. Mitchell, E. Oelkers, V. Hjorleifsdottir, S. Osk Snaebjornsdottir, T. Ratouis, A. Striolo, and A. Jones (2019): An Integrated Modelling Study of Hellisheidi Geothermal Reservoir. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020.
- C. Sanchez Roa, Saldi, G., Mitchell, T. M., Lacoviello, F., Jones, A., Oelkers, E., Meredith, P., Striolo, A. Experimental study of fluid-rock interaction and permeability evolution in granite: applications to geothermal energy reservoirs in Cornwall. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.